Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness

“If you only do what you’ve always done, and only have what you’ve always had, you will only get what you’ve always gotten” - Anonymous


At one point in life or another, many of us struggle with feeling stuck, helpless and unproductive. We often recognize that our unhealthy behaviors are a cause of our dissatisfaction and stagnation. And yet, we find ourselves doing the same things over and over again, resulting in increased anxiety, dissatisfaction and stress. Sometimes we may be successful in becoming unstuck and live a happy and productive life once again. And, other times we may feel that we are getting deeper into dissatisfaction and unhappiness in spite of trying over and over again. Psychotherapy can help you to get unstuck, to overcome the stress and anxiety, to overcome your fears.


I am a believer in cognitive behavioral therapy because this approach addresses our maladaptive thoughts and actions in order to bring about change. Cognitive behavioral therapy does not focus on blaming your childhood. You are responsible for your thoughts and actions. Therefore, you are the agent of the desired change. Cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown to be the most effective type of psychotherapy for depressive disorders and anxiety disorders.


Mindfulness is a skill that helps you to become more aware of your thoughts and actions in the present. The term mindfulness is derived from Eastern meditation practices. However, Western psychology has been incorporating mindfulness in practice. Mindfulness has been shown to be effective for people suffering from stress, anxiety, and emotional difficulties.